One Man, One Woman: The Nature of Marriage is Written in the Body

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. Eph. 5:31-32 In the fifth chapter of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul declares that the one-flesh union between a husband and […]

A Necessary Being

In the previous post, we examined the general outline of the Five Ways in Thomas Aquinas’ Cosmological Argument for the existence of God. We examined the ways that something can’t come from nothing because the nature of the universe reveals that physical things are dependent upon some kind of outside, transcendent Uncaused Cause, or Unmoved Mover, or […]

Feasting on Form: Shameless advice for Christian filmmakers

While arguing for his “Bazin Option” and a deeper Christian engagement with film, Michael Leary explains that any justification of the arts “must begin with this idea that all our expressions and gestures, even if presented as entertainment, are a material record of our desire for self-disclosure and liberation.” This is, more or less, the […]

Cosmic Art

We live with a great cosmic work of art, and we have been invited to be co-creators in God’s masterpiece. In the way that Shakespeare would partner with an actor in order to great a unique performance of theatrical art, so God invites us to partner with him in the unfolding of his divine drama, […]