
Select Essays

Meaning and Imagination. The Symbolic World. June 12, 2024.

Something to Remember: A Classical Christian Graduation Address. Shadowlands Dispatch. May 20, 2024.

Celebrating Epiphany: Re-enchanting the Year through the Liturgical Calendar.” Shadowlands Dispatch. January 6, 2024.

“Existential Barbie: A World Without Love Will Never Be Kenough.” Salvo. August 3, 2023.

“Mind Your Mind: Intellectual Discipleship is Essential for Christian Flourishing.” with Melissa Cain Travis. Salvo. No. 64. Spring 2023.

“The Blind Biologist and the Reality of Purpose.” The Worldview Bulletin. August 21, 2022.

“Pulling Together When the World Pulls Apart.” ClassicalU Blog. August 8, 2022.

“Super-Women and the Price of Power.” An Unexpected Journal. 4, no. 2. Superheroes. June 2021.

“Tolkien, Rowling, and Homer: Something Worth Living For.” Circe Institute. December 15, 2020.

“Conversion Therapy Bans Make Good Health Care Illegal.” American Thinker. May 10, 2019

“Raising “Theybies’”: How Gender Neutral Parenting Reinforces Stereotypes.” CNS News. April 2, 2019.

Select Papers

“The Mind of a Reader: A Trinitarian Framework for Reading and Teaching Literature.” The Consortium Journal. Vol. 3, Issue 2. Winter 2024.

“Gender and the Cosmos: The Restoration of Worlds in C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy.” The Symbolic World. August 28, 2023.

“Joy in the Mind of the Reader.” An Unexpected Journal. 5, no. 3. Joy. September 2022.

“Book Review: Tolkien’s Modern Reading.” An Unexpected Journal. 4, no. 4. The Imaginative Harvest of Holly Ordway. December 2021.

“Hogwarts in History: The Neo-Medieval Vision of Harry Potter.” An Unexpected Journal. 3, no. 3. Medieval Minds. October 2020.

“Metaphor and Meaning in the Teleological Language of Biology.” Blyth Institute. Issue 2:2. Active Information: Mathematics and Biology. August 2020.

Courage at the Crossroad:  Death and Immortality in The Lord of the Rings.” An Unexpected Journal. 3, no. 1. The Worlds of Tolkien. March 2020.

“Reviving a Sacred Imagination.” An Unexpected Journal. 2, no. 1. The Power of Story. March 2019.

“Literary Apologetics: A Spell for the Refreshment of Spirit.” An Unexpected Journal. 1, no. 2. The Power of Story. June 2018.

“Finding Faith in Fairy Tales: Answers for Modern Skeptics from C.S. Lewis’s The Silver Chair. An Unexpected Journal. 1, no. 2. The Power of Story. June 2018.

“The Cure Has Begun: Salvation as Illuminated by the Planetary Imagery in The Chronicles of Narnia.” An Unexpected Journal 1, no. 4. Planet Narnia. December 2018.

Creative Writing

“‘Cosmos’: A Poetic Reflection on the Medieval Model.” The Symbolic World. May 25, 2023.

“Pieta.” Lenten Exhibition. Christ Church of Austin. 2021

“Searching the Stars.” An Unexpected Journal. 1, no. 1. The Abolition of Man. 2018.