“Annie is, of course, intelligent and articulate. More than that, she understands our cultural milieu and knows how to engage with both secular and religious people in a way that is winsome and principled. She possesses a rare combination of thoughtfulness, passion, and insight.”
Dr. Stephen Dilley, Professor of philosophy at St. Edward’s University
Deep Talks: C.S. Lewis’s Ransom Trilogy, Elon Musk, AI, & Aliens
The Symbolic World: The Breakthrough of Myth
Her Faith Inspires: Recovering Meaning in Culture
Paris Blasphemy: The Last Supper Tableau with The Optimistic Curmudgeon.
The Theology Pugcast: The “C.S. Lewis Option” for Renewing Christendom
Her Faith Inspires: Are We Cyborgs Now? with Josh Pauling
The Symbolic World: C.S. Lewis on Progress, AI, and Gender
The Overthinkers: Where is the Modern Day C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien?
Raised to Walk: Barbie – Biblical or Bogus?
Select Past Speaking Events
“The Temple, the Flood, and the Carpenter’s Jig: Virtue in an Age of Chaos.” Circe Institute Fall Conference. Oct. 4, 20204
“Beyond the Myth: The Christian Foundations of Science.” Hill House Study Center. September 24, 2024.
“Sacred Sexuality: Making Sex and Gender Meaningful Again.” HCU Apologetics Day, March 23, 2024.
“Love in the Ruins: Dating with Purpose and Hope.” Hill House Study Center. February 13, 2024.
“The Temple and the Womb: Restoring Sacred Space in the Modern World.” Hill House Study Center. October 24, 2023.
“Existential Barbie.“ Hill House Study Center. September 26, 2023.
“Parenting in the Apocalypse: Making Faith Meaningful Again.” Bethany Community Church. June 10, 2023.
“How Not to be Peeps in the Chili Pot: Understanding The Good Life.“ Hill House Study Center. Oct. 11, 2022.
“Harry Potter and the Great Story.” Round Rock Church of Christ, Youth Retreat Session. Fall 2020.
“The Sacred Art of Raising Humans: How to Recover a Sacramental Vision of Parenting.” Christ Church. Feb. 15, 2020.
“Incarnation Beings in a Digital World: Living So the Good Will Serve the Better and Both Will Serve the Best.” Christ Church. Feb. 15, 2020.
“Behold, Embody, and Remember: Practicing Classical ScholĂ©.” Vine Classical Community. July 29, 2019.
“Why Classical Education?” Vine Classical Community. July 27, 2018.
“Faith and Culture: Incarnating the Love of God for the Life of the World.” Christ Church. Spring 2017.